The club have had a fantastic response to our launch of 'Ask Electric Eels'. We have found the six best questions for us to answer.

What is powerchair football?
Powerchair football is a unique sport giving disabled people who use a powerchair in their daily lives to play football at a competitive level. It is the only active team participation sport for people who use electric wheelchairs. The sport is a fast dynamic and competitive sport to watch. Each game is 40 minutes long (20 minutes each half) and played inside on a basketball court. For more information in particular the rules of powerchair football visit:
When is your next home game?
Good question. We can't announce anything just yet but, watch this space. Sign up to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to not miss the announcement when we make it.
Can someone watch powerchair football before, they try it?
Of course, a lot f new players who come to the club watch and speak to our coaches before, they try it. We have fantastic facilities for training enabling our development and new players to have their own court to learn about powerchair football.
What if you don’t own a powerchair?
Don't worry we have a few powerchair football powerchairs that are available for you to try it. But, we highly reccomend you contact us first about yourself, and tell us you don't own a powerchair, so that we can try the sport in one of our chairs. If you use a hoist The Beacon which is our training ground has a changing place with a ceiling hoist, but please bring your own sling.
How can a person fundraise for the club?
The club are always looking for new ways to raise funds and have previously, had supporters run a Hull 10K, local businesses have put our charity collection pots in their shops/cafes/pubs. Send our marketing & communications office an email - if you would like to fundraise for the club.
How often do the club train?
We train every week apart from the Christmas period. There will be some weeks when training won't be on due to other events taking place. But, give our Facebook page a like and our Twitter a follow to see when we will be training.
We would like to thank everyone who submitted a question. We will be doing another blog post similar to this style answering your questions in the next month or so. Your questions could be for our players to answer during pre season.